lørdag 26. mai 2007

May in Oslo - first posting on new blog

If today was the norm,- May would be the perfect month for the south of Norway. Nice and sunny, a nice breeze, - not too much pollen - but then I fortunately I do not have any serious allergies.
Whitsun weekend - and most people seem to be off for the mini-holiday.

My day started in the very best way - I slept late, and while in the shower something made me peek out throught the gap in the curtain,- and I saw this very lovely deer pass by. I do not think it was fully grown. No spots, - but then I don't think they do here in Norway. I stood still, - did not want to do anything to disturb the wonderful calm and grace of the animal - and then of course, - an aeroplane had to pass the hill - and the deer was off.

We see quite a few animals around the house from time to time. Not many, and not all of the time, - but enough to make me thankful we are on the verge of the wild: hare, fox, elk and deer - at least that is what comes to mind.

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